Mauritius Local Events

Since the Island is a multi ethnic society with several religious beliefs, the various cultural celebrations form part of many Mauritian events throughout the year. These events add to an already interesting and colourful island. Most of the festivals in Mauritius have a religious connotation . Others are considered as traditions to which Mauritians are deeply concerned in preserving. With time, some of them have changed accordingly though their meanings have stayed concrete. Some have even become public holidays as a sign of respect. Make sure you check regularly to keep up to date with the latest news and events in Mauritius.

The Ferney Trail
Place: Ferney Valley  (02 Oct 2020 - 02 Nov 2020 )

Ferney Valley, Mauritius - the location of the annual Ferney Trail. Courtesy of Ferney Trail

All Saints' Day
Place: Mauritius  (01 Nov 2020 )

With its host of cultures and multinational residents, it's no surprise that Mauritius celebrates an equally diverse number of holidays and special events throughout the year, including All Saints' Day and Christmas.

Arrival Of the Indentured Labourers
Place: Mauritius  (02 Nov 2020 )

The introduction of Indian contractual workers by individual planters during the British period started between 1820 and early 1830s.

(25 Dec 2020 )

Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ celebrated generally on December 25 as a religious and cultural holiday by billions of people around the world.

New Year
Place: Mauritius  (01 Jan 2021 - 02 Jan 2021 )

New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year count is incremented. In many cultures, the event is celebrated in some manner.

Abolition of Slavery
Place: Mauritius  (01 Feb 2021 )

The celebration of slaves freedom in Mauritius.

Independence Day
Place: Mauritius  (12 Mar 2021 )


Mauritius celebrates its Independence.

Labour Day
Place: Mauritius  (01 May 2021 )

Celebrated in Mauritius each year, this day is a commemoration of the achievements of the labour movement.

Père Laval Feast Day
Place: Mauritius   (09 Sep 2021 )

Père Laval Feast Day in September marks the anniversary of the Catholic convert-king's death, and pilgrims come from all over the world his shrine at Ste-Croix to pray for miracle cures.